Thursday, 13 October 2016

Screen vs Print: SCREEN

When it comes to screen designs, these are more of a web designers job, being coding and things like that. However a graphic designer can design the layout and design itself for the web designer to incorporate.

The design or the layout must be different but the same at the same time for each type of device. For example on a computer, iPad or phone.

Screen designs also includes animation. Animation is the process of making an illusion of motion and change by means of or rapid change of images that creates motion or a type of 'video'.

In print you are trying to get your audience to stay on a page long enough to get a marketing message across. 
On the web, you are generally trying to keep your audience on a specific website for as long as possible.

When it comes to screens, you are measuring your space in pixels and you are faced with a challenge. This challenge is designing your site to look the best on all size monitors and at all monitor resolutions.

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