Sunday 16 October 2016

Pixel Perfect Details

Pixel Perfect Details is closely related to pixel perfect principles. Details are as said, more in-detail points for designing in itself. These are sort of principles, but in more small details.

Sharp Edges - These should be on-pixel and sharp, blurred edges are not good. Appearance wise, there is a big difference between the two. The square with the sharp edges looks much neater and more attractive.

Consistency - Consistency is very important when designing. This could be a consistent, design, style, layout, alignment of objects and so on. This could involve placement of title bars, footers etc. These should be the same to prevent objects jumping around in your work. You could set up a grid, which you can follow by when adding things to your work. Take this photo for example, consistency is used in the style of the objects being portrayed. This link them together by colour, design and sharp edges.

Text Length - Text Length is important, not just for the length of a particular actions or product, but even if it is going to be used internationally. You have to consider how long it will become when translated into other languages. Take the example below, Settings translated to German and Portuguese is much longer than in English.


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